Category: Omen

FIVE8, the best-kept secret of Montreal Street Art

Five8 from graffitis to murals - one of the most appreciated street artists in the Montreal scene.

Five8, el secreto mejor guardado del arte urbano de Montreal

Five8 - Five8 de graffiti para murales; Uno de los artistas de arte urbano más apreciados de la escena de Montreal.

Red Bull Curates Canvas Cooler – the painting session !

Wednesday night (June 10th) was the painting session for the "Red Bull Curates Canvas Cooler" that will take place on Friday, June 12th at Station 16 ! Here are some pictures of this event, organized by Red Bull et Lndmrk,  is bringing together many famous artists + the surprise visit of Martha Cooper and Fonky. Artists are presented ...

Omen –

One of the leader in Montreal's street art community. Active since the late 1990s. Master of spray paint and portraiture - His style is easy to recognize the face or profile in shades of black and white. Graffiti is not the problem | Omen | This video present is talk to the TEDxConcordia in 2014.